Digital Media

COORDINATIONZFL – Flexible Learning
CONTACTSimon P. Haigermoser, MSc
COURSES & REGISTRATION Winter Semester 2024 / Summer Semester 2025 (PLUSonline)
DETAILSBulletin from August 19, 2020, Number 260


Digital media permeate both public and private spheres, significantly influencing social, political, and economic actions. At the same time, the protection of personal data is increasingly coming into focus. A responsible and competent approach to using and creating media content is essential during higher education and often becomes a key qualification when transitioning to professional life. The COVID-19 crisis at the beginning of 2020 demonstrated how quickly digital solutions for communication and exchange can gain importance.

The supplementary study programme and specialisation programme “Digital Media” offer an opportunity to acquire solid skills in creating creative content and critically engaging with digital media. The content covered includes a wide range of topics – from digital photography, digital audio and video technology, and creating multimedia content for social media, to voice and speech training for recordings and live presentations.


  • Knowledge of essential technical fundamentals for media use (hardware and software)
  • Ability to competently and flexibly use information and communication technologies
  • Competence in creating presentations
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, and produce various media products
  • Knowledge of planning and organizing (multi-)media production processes
  • Awareness of trends and developments, and ability to actively participate on the World Wide Web
  • Competence in managing information on the World Wide Web (e.g., self-presentation, copyright)
  • Ability to consciously and critically use new technologies
  • Familiarity with application possibilities and use cases of digital media
  • Ability to think in a networked, interdisciplinary manner and work in teams

Target Group

Due to the diversity of the subject areas and the application-oriented teaching, the supplementary study programme and specialisation programme “Digital Media” are offered as a complement and enrichment to any study program and are aimed at students from all faculties. The Basic Module “Digital Media for Teaching” offers an additional focus on the needs of future teachers.

Structure & Requirements

Basic Module (12 ECTS)

For the Basic Module, courses totaling 12 ECTS must be completed from the following areas:

    • Digital Image Processing, Graphics, and Photography (4 ECTS)
    • Digital Video Technology (4 ECTS)
    • Digital Audio Technology (4 ECTS)

Basic Module for Teaching (12 ECTS)

For the Basic Module for Teaching, courses totaling 12 ECTS must be completed from the following areas:

    • Media Pedagogy and Didactics (4-8 ECTS)
    • Fundamentals of Technical Equipment and Media Production (4-8 ECTS)

Advanced Module (12 ECTS)

For the Advanced Module, courses totaling 12 ECTS from the Digital Media course offerings must be completed, with a maximum of one course from the area of “Digital Image Processing, Graphics, and Photography.”

Specialisation Module (12 ECTS)

For the Specialisation Module, courses totaling 12 ECTS from the Digital Media course offerings must be completed.

Course Registration

Registration for individual courses is done via PLUSonline.

Note: For courses you take as part of the supplementary study programme, select “Free Registration” in PLUSonline (if the option is available) during course registration:

free registration


After successfully completing the listed courses, the following certificates can be requested:

  • Basic Module Digital Media: This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic Module totaling 12 ECTS points.
  • Basic Module Digital Media for Teaching: This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic Module “Digital Media for Teaching” totaling 12 ECTS points.
  • Supplementary Study Programme Digital Media: This will be issued after successful completion of one of the two Basic Modules and the Advanced Module, totaling 24 ECTS points.
  • Specialisation Programme in Digital Media: This will be issued after successful completion of one of the two Basic Modules, the Advanced Module, and the Specialisation Module, totaling 36 ECTS points.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to include supplementary study programmes and specialisation programmes in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diploma examination certificate (naming of free electives). Regulations can be found in your curriculum, or you may need to reach an agreement with the chair of your curriculum committee beforehand.

Requesting a Certificate

Once you have completed the required courses, submit the completed exam pass and the corresponding certificates to the ZFL – Flexible Learning (Simon Haigermoser, MSc). After verifying the documents, the certificate will be issued by the ZFL – Flexible Learning on behalf of the Vice-Rectorate for Education and Student Experience and will be sent digitally to your university email address. Issuing the certificate is no longer possible after graduation. Therefore, please make sure to apply for the certificate at least a few weeks before graduation.

If it is not possible to print the transcripts from PLUSonline, only submit the completed exam pass.

Download Exam Pass


Simon Haigermoser MSc
ZFL – Flexibles Lernen

Hellbrunnerstraße 34, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 2428