Neuper T, Frauenlob T, Dang HH, Krenn P, Posselt G, Regl C, Fortelny N, Schäpertöns V, Unger MS, Üblagger G, Neureiter D, Mühlbacher I, Weizendorfer M, Singhartinger F, Emmanuel K, Huber CG, Wessler S, Aberger F, Horejs-Hoeck J. ADP-heptose attenuates Helicobacter pylori-induced dendritic cell activation. Gut Microbes, 2024, 16: 2402543.
Canadas-Ortega M, Mühlbacher I, Posselt G, Diechler S, Ferner CD, Boccellato F, Koch OO, Neureiter D, Weitzendorfer M, Emmanuel K, Wessler S. HtrA-dependent E-cadherin shedding impairs the epithelial barrier function of primary gastric epithelial cells derived from gastric organoids. Int J Mol Sci, 2024, 25, 7083.
Hochvaldova L, Posselt G, Wessler S, Kvítek L, Panáček A. Implications of silver nanoparticles for H. pylori infection: Modulation of CagA functions and signaling. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2024, 14:1419568.
Wessler S, Posselt G. Bacterial proteases in Helicobacter pylori infections and gastric diseases. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 2023, 444: 259-277.
Alhayek A, Abdelsamie AS, Schönauer E, Camberlein V, Hutterer E, Posselt G, Serwanja J, Blöchl C, Huber C, Haupenthal J, Brandstetter H, Wessler S*, Hirsch AKH*. Discovery and Characterization of Synthesized and FDA-Approved Inhibitors of Clostridial and Bacillary Collagenases. J Med Chem, 2022, 65: 12933-12955.
Bernegger S, Hutterer E, Zarzecka U, Schmidt TP, Huemer M, Widlroither I, Posselt G, Skorko-Glonek J, Wessler S. E-cadherin orthologues as substrates for the serine protease High temperature requirement A (HtrA). Biomolecules, 2022, 12, 356.
Alhayek A, Khan ES, Schönauer E, Däinghaus T, Shafiei R, Voos K, Ducho C, Posselt G, Wessler S, Brandstetter H, Haupenthal J, Han M, del Campo A, Hirsch AKH. Disarming Bacillus cereus by inhibition of collagenase activity provides pathoblocker to treat skin wound infections. Adv Ther (Weinh), 2022, 2100222.
Bernegger S, Jarzab M, Wessler S, Posselt G. Proteolytic landscapes in gastric pathology and cancerogenesis. Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23: 2419.
Bernegger S, Vidmar R, Fonovic M, Posselt G, Turk B, Wessler S. Identification of Desmoglein-2 as a novel target of Helicobacter pylori HtrA in epithelial cells. Cell Commun Signal, 2021, 19: 108.
Diechler S, Chichirau BE, Posselt G, Sgouras D, Wessler S. Helicobacter pylori CagA EPIYA motif variations affect metabolic activity in B cells. Toxins, 2021, 13: 592.
Chichirau BE, Scheidt T, Diechler S, Neuper T, Huber C, Horejs-Hoeck J, Posselt G, Wessler S. Dissecting the Helicobacter pylori-regulated transcriptome of B cells. Pathog Dis, 2020, 78: ftaa049.
Sarajlic M, Neuper T, Vetter J, Schaller S, Klicznik M, Gratz I, Wessler S, Posselt G, Horejs-Hoeck J. H. pylori modulates DC functions via T4SS/TNFα/p38-dependent SOCS3 expression. Cell Commun Signal, 2020, 18: 160.
Müller AT, Posselt G, Gabernet G, Neuhaus C, Bachler S, Blatter M, Pfeiffer B, Hiss JA, Dittrich PS, Altmann KH, Wessler S, Schneider G. Morphing of Amphipathic Helices to Explore the Activity and Selectivity of Membranolytic Antimicrobial Peptides. Biochemistry, 2020, 59: 3772-3781.
Jarzab M, Posselt G, Meisner-Kober N, Wessler S. Helicobacter pylori-derived outer membrane vesicles (OMVs): role in bacterial pathogenesis? Microorganisms, 2020, 8: 1328.
Bernegger S, Brunner C, Vizovišek M, Fonovic M, Jarzab M, Cuciniello G, Giordano F, Stanojlovic V, Simister P, Feller SM, Obermeyer G, Posselt G, Turk B, Cabrele C, Schneider G, Wessler S. A novel FRET peptide assay reveals efficient Helicobacter pylori HtrA inhibition through zinc and copper binding. Sci Rep, 2020, 10: 10563.
Neuper T, Frauenlob T, Sarajlic M, Posselt G, Wessler S, Horejs-Hoeck J. TLR2, TLR4 and TLR10 Shape the Cytokine and Chemokine Release of H. pylori-Infected Human DCs. Int J Mol Sci, 2020, 21: 3897.
Abfalter CM, Bernegger S, Jarzab M, Posselt G, Ponnuraj K, Wessler S. The proteolytic activity of Listeria monocytogenes HtrA. BMC Microbiol, 2019, 19: 255.
Chichirau BE, Diechler S, Posselt G, Wessler S. Tyrosine kinases in Helicobacter pylori infections and gastric cancer. Toxins, 2019, 11: 591.
Posselt G, Wiesauer M, Chichirau BE, Engler D, Krisch LM, Gadermaier G, Briza P, Schneider S, Boccellato F, Meyer TF, Hauser-Kronberger C, Neureiter D, Müller A, Wessler S. Helicobacter pylori-controlled c-Abl localization promotes cell migration and limits apoptosis. Cell Commun Signal, 2019, 17: 10.
Westmeier D, Posselt G, Hahlbrock A, Bartfeld S, Vallet C, Abfalter C, Docter D, Knauer SK, Wessler S, Stauber RH. Nanoparticle binding attenuates the pathobiology of cancer-associated Helicobacter pylori. Nanoscale, 2018, 10:1453-1463.
Stutz K, Hiss JA, Müller AT, Hiss JA, Schneider P, Blatter M, Pfeiffer B, Posselt G, Kanfer G, Kornmann B, Wrede P, Altmann KH, Wessler S, Schneider G. Peptide-membrane interaction between targeting and lysis. ACS Chem Biol, 2017, 12: 2254-2259.
Pillong M, Hiss JA, Schneider P, Lin YC, Posselt G, Pfeiffer B, Blatter M, Müller AT, Bachler S, Neuhaus C, Dittrich P, Altmann KH, Wessler S, Schneider G. Rational design of self-assembling membrane-pore-forming peptides. Small, 2017, 13: 1701316.
McKenna O, Posselt G, Briza P, Lackner P, Schmitt A, Gadermaier G, Wessler S, Ferreira F. Multi-approach analysis for the identification of proteases within birch pollen. Int J Mol Sci, 2017, 18: 1433.
Feichtinger RG, Neureiter D, Skaria T, Wessler S, Cover TL, Mayr JA, Zimmermann FA, Posselt G, Sperl W, Kofler B. Oxidative phosphorylation system in gastric carcinomas and gastritis. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2017, 2017: 1320241.
Posselt G, Crabtree JE, Wessler S. Proteolysis in Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric cancer. Toxins, 2017, 9: 134.
Schneider P, Müller A, Gabernet G, Posselt G, Wessler S, Hiss JA, Schneider G. Hybrid Network Model for “Deep Learning” of Chemical Data: Application to Antimicrobial Peptides. Mol Inform, 2017, 36: 1600011.
Müller AT, Kaymaz AC, Gabernet G, Posselt G, Wessler S, Hiss JA, Schneider G. Sparse neural network models of antimicrobial peptide-activity relationships. Mol Inform, 2016, 35: 606-614.
Abfalter CM, Schubert M, Götz C, Schmidt TP, Posselt G, Wessler S. HtrA-mediated E-cadherin cleavage is limited to DegP and DegQ homologs expressed by Gram-negative pathogens. Cell Commun Signal, 2016, 14: 30.
Abfalter CM, Schönauer E, Ponnuraj K, Huemer M, Gadermaier G, Regl C, Briza P, Ferreira F, Huber CG, Brandstetter H, Posselt G, Wessler S. Cloning, purification and characterization of the collagenase ColA expressed by Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11: e0162433.
Krisch LM, Posselt G, Hammerl P, Wessler S. CagA phosphorylation in Helicobacter pylori-infected B cells is mediated by the non-receptor tyrosine kinases of the Src and Abl families. Infect Immun, 2016, 84: 2671-2680.
Hiss JA, Stutz K, Posselt G, Wessler S, Schneider G. Attractors in sequence space: Peptide morphing by directed simulated evolution. Mol Inform, 2015, 34: 709-714.
Posselt G, Backert S, Wessler S. The functional interplay of Helicobacter pylori factors with gastric epithelial cells induces a multi-step process in pathogenesis. Cell Commun Signal, 2013, 11: 77.
Schwarz H, Posselt G, Wurm P, Ulbing M, Duschl A, Horejs-Hoeck J. TLR8 and NOD signaling synergistically induce the production of IL-1β and IL-23 in monocyte-derived DCs and enhance the expression of the feedback inhibitor SOCS2. Immunobiol, 2013, 218: 533-542.
Horejs-Hoeck J, Schwarz H, Lamprecht S, Maier E, Hainzl S, Schmittner M, Posselt G, Stoecklinger A, Hawranek T, Duschl A. Dendritic Cells Activated by IFN-ã/STAT1 Express IL-31 Receptor and Release Proinflammatory Mediators upon IL-31 Treatment. J Immunol, 2012, 188: 5319-5326.
Posselt G, Schwarz H, Duschl A, Horejs-Hoeck J. Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling 2 (SOCS2) is a feedback inhibitor of TLR induced activation in monocyte derived dendritic cells J Immunol, 2011, 187: 2875-2884.
Boraschi D, Lucchesi D, Hainzl S, Leitner M, Maier E, Mangelberger D, Oostingh GJ, Pfaller T, Pixner C, Posselt G, Italiani P, Nold MF, Nold-Petry CA, Bufler P, Dinarello CA. IL-37: a new anti-inflammatory cytokine of the IL-1 family. Eur Cytokine Netw, 2011, 22: 127-147.
Maier E, Hebenstreit D, Posselt G, Hammerl P, Duschl A., Horejs-Hoeck J. Inhibition of suppressive TCF-1 isoforms in naive CD4+ T cells is mediated by IL-4/STAT6 signaling. J Biol Chem, 2010, 286: 919-928.
Horejs-Hoeck J, Wirnsberger G, Hebenstreit D, Posselt G, Duschl A. Interleukin-4 regulates the expression of Thymus – and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (TARC) /CCL17 by a Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 6 (STAT6) – dependent mechanism. Allergy & Clinical Immunology International – Journal of the World Allergy Organization ,Proc. 26th Symp. Coll. Int. Allergol. Holgate, S. Marone, G, Ring J, (Eds.) Hogrefe & Huber, Cambridge MA, 2007, 308-312.
Wirnsberger G, Horejs-Hoeck J, Posselt G, Hebenstreit D, Duschl A. IL-4 induces expression of the CC chemokine TARC/CCL17 in human T cells by two functional STAT6-binding motifs located upstream of the transcription initiation site. J Immunol, 2006, 36: 1882-1891.