


Yvonne left us, having decided to drop out of science. Good luck in your new career, Yvonne! Albert gave talks at a Nanoparticle Meeting at the ETH, Zurich, and at F.Hoffmann–La Roche Ltd, Basel.

July: Daniel received his PhD (congratulations, Daniel) and happily will stay on for postdoctoral work with a grant from the FWF.

June: Most of the group went to Munich for the World Allergy Conference. Albert gave a talk, Petra, Ines, Gerald and Daniel presented posters, Jutta and Yvonne went along as well. Albert gave a talk at the GSF, Neuherberg. Yvonne went to Helsinki, Finland, for the MAAPHRI meeting.

May: Irina Lehmann from the Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig came with her group for exchange on two scientific projects in which we are cooperating. We all had a good time, too. Albert gave a talk at a Nanoparticle meeting in Bonn.

April: Gerald graduated and will now stay on for a PhD. Congratulations, Gerald!

February: Maria went for two weeks to Thessaloniki, Greece, to train our partners in the EU project MAAPHRI in cell culture techniques.

January: Albert went to the kickoff-meeting for the new EU-project NOMIRACLE at Barcelona, Spain.


December: Albert and Yvonne presented the ongoing MAAPHRI project at a meeting in Rouen, France. 

November: Angela graduated (congratulations, Angela!) and will now stay on for her PhD.
August: Albert gave a lecture at the meeting of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum at Bornholm, Denmark.
July: Albert was a lecturer at the Kinderuniversität and found it exhausting but exciting. Albert made a presentation at the MAAPHRI midterm meeting at Brussels.
May: Jutta was a guest lecturer for a two-week seminar and practical course on molecular immunology at the University of Graz.
April: Albert gave a talk at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) at Heidelberg. Albert was appointed as a member of the „Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Gentechnikkommission für Arbeiten mit GVO in geschlossenen Systemen“, an advisory body for the Ministery of Health and Women. Anne Bion from Rouen came for resarch cooperation and training. Gerald went to the DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany for trining in the lab.
March: Albert gave a talk at the „Mainzer Allergietage“ at, you guessed it, Mainz.
February: Yvonne Gruijthuijsen joined the group as Assistant. 
January: Gernot Posselt joined the group as a grad student in January.


December: The whole group attended the ÖGAI meeting 2003 in Salzburg. Daniel gave a talk and Albert was on the organizing committee.
November: Gerald joined the group as a grad student.
October: Jutta officially returned to the group after a baby break and is now a University Assistant. Ines Grieshuber joined the group as a PhD student, and Claudia Reitinger as a graduate student. Beate Krumm from the Umweltforschungszentrum in Leipzig-Halle came with a PhD exchange scholarship. Albert became Vice President for Research of the University of Salzburg, starting October 1, 2003. See  http://www.sbg.ac.at/organisation/rektorat/vrforschung.htm
September: Jutta gave a talk, Daniel presented a poster and Albert just attended the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Immunology at Berlin. Petra went to the INSERM E9920 Faculte de MedecinePharmacie, Rouen, France for a cooperation.
August: The Austrian Radio and Television Network ORF broadcasted several features about our work on Diesel exhaust and the human immune system (see MAAPHRI) on July 7 (Ö1 DIMENSIONEN) and August 8 (Ö2), and has also featured us on TV (ORF2 SALZBURG HEUTE) on August 31, 2003. Albert gave a plenary talk during the 7th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at Zurich, Switzerland. 
July: Angela and Claudia went to the Hospital of the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany for experiments and training.
June: Ulrike Tischler joined the group as a technician. 
May: Annette left the group in May to become a postdoc in the Center of Blood Research at Harvard University. 
April: Petra Luft graduated in April 2003 (congratulations, Petra!) and will now stay on for her PhD. Angela Ehart joined the group as a graduate student in April 2003.
March: Maria Schmittner joined the group as a technician. Albert Duschl gave a plenary talk at a Conference on IL-13, Cape Town, South Africa.


December: Annette Nelde received her PhD. Congratulations, Annette!
November: Albert became a member of the  Gründungskonvent of the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg (§ 129 UG 2002), which constituted itself in November 2002 and oversees transition from UOG 93 to UG 2002 until December 2003. Daniel presented a poster at the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology at Innsbruck ( ÖGAI). Albert presented a poster at the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum ( CIA), Bermuda.
September: Annette gave a short talk, Jutta presented a poster and Albert just participated at the Meeting of the German Socitety of Immunology, Marburg. Albert was on the organizing board, and Jutta, Annette and Daniel presented posters at the Annual Meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chemie und Biochemie ( ÖGBM ), Salzburg.
July: Albert gave a plenary talk for the evaluation meeting of the Graduiertenkolleg „Biomedizinische Wirkstoffforschung“ at Schloß Marbach near Konstanz. Annette participated in the multimedia life science exhibition „v.Cell – the virtual cell“, a project of the Max-Planck-Society, Deutsches Museum, Munich.
June: Albert gave a talk at the Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg.
May: Jutta was a guest lecturer for a two-week seminar and practical course on molecular immunology at the University of Graz.
April: Daniel presented a poster at the Cold Spring Harbor Conference „Gene expression and signaling in the immune system“. Annette participated in lab courses for school classes during „Allergy Days“ at the Haus der Natur in Salzburg. Jutta was awarded the  Theodor-Körner-Forschungspreis 2002.
March: Albert gave a plenary talk at the joint meeting of the German Societies of Pulmonology and of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Bochum.
February: Albert gave a talk at the University of Giessen, his old Alma Mater. Petra Luft joined the group as a graduate student.