DSP-Research Group
Language, Society and Digital Life
The last few decades have not only witnessed the emergence of new digital genres but also an upsurge in digital technologies in the study of language that PhD students are expected to master. Our doctoral college is geared towards developing skills that enable our PhD students to use innovative digital technologies and to study medially shaped language with the goal of producing research at an internationally competitive level. The doctoral college unites linguists active in three disciplines: sociolinguistics, multimodal text/discourse linguistics, and language acquisition research. It exclusively promotes work rooted in authentic interactional settings. In the college, we understand the ‘digital’ in three principled ways:
(1) The digital as method may range from new ways of collecting data to innovative digital methods of transcribing, automatic coding and analysing language in spoken or written form as well as the compilation of semiotically rich corpora, data sharing and online data dissemination.
(2) The digital as object of study focuses on the structure, function of, user competence in and attitudes towards new forms of medially shaped communication, such as texting, vlogging, etc.
(3) The digital as research result concerns digital tools based on language data, such as devices for querying and visualising data (e.g. interactive dialect maps or linguistic databases), apps to search existing corpora in novel ways, that help track language development, or digital learning tools and software programs for language learners.
Our doctoral college offers a stimulating environment for promising doctoral students, in which they experience outstanding supervision and individual guidance for every aspect of their project and in which they can expand their academic networks. By fusing three relatable linguistic disciplines and firmly anchoring them in the digital linguistics paradigm, we aim to build a working environment which produces invaluable synergies in approaches, thinking and project design. The college unites faculty members who have had much co-operative experience, who relate and interact well and who create a friendly and efficient collaborative environment that is firmly based on a civil and collegial code of conduct.
> Admission of new DSP members
Beatrice Colcuc
Topic: Grenzen im Kontinuum? Sprecherperzeption und -repräsentationen der Sprachvariation im Dolomitengebiet (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Main supervisor: Matthias HeinzLaura Fischlhammer
Topic: Kommunikative Muster in historischer Briefkorrespondenz (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan ElspaßEva Fuchs
Topic: … owa ba da matura miassma hochdeitsch ren! Wahrnehmungen und Einstellungen zum mündlichen Erstsprach(en)gebrauch in der österreichischen Schule – die Perspektive von Schüler/innen und ihren Lehrer/innen (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Co-supervisor: Monika DannererBirgit Füreder
Topic: Processing Verbal Periphrases in Romance (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Main supervisor: Matthias Heinz
Co-supervisor: Dietmar Roehm
Eva Valentina Gatterbauer
Topic: Zum Erwerb der Nominalflexion von Kindern in Vorarlberg (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Irmtraud Kaiser
Co-supervisor: Andrea Ender
Karoline Gerasch
Topic: Wahrnehmung von fremdsprachlichem und muttersprachlichem Akzent im Fremdspracherwerb (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Main supervisor: Johanna Wolf
Co-supervisor: Matthias HeinzDavid Gschösser
Topic: /kx/ in den deutschen Dialekten Österreichs (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Co-supervisor: Eva ReinischSabrina Guhe
Topic: Muster in der Online-Beschwerdekommunikation (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Yooree Kim
Topic: Erwerb gesprochener Sprache in DaF/DaZ (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Andrea Ender
Co-supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Esme Richardson-Owen
Topic: Challenging (linguistic) sensory hierarchies: „synaesthetic adjective-noun pairs“ – an embodied image-schematic phenomenon realised linguistically through adjectival unboundedness and scalarity, rather than metaphorical transfer from lower to higher sensory domains (English and American Studies)
Main supervisor: Hartmut StöcklEvelyn Roth
Topic: The influence of language attitudes on credibility and pain assessment in medical contexts: Evidence from Northern Ireland (English and American Studies)
Main supervisor: Erik Schleef
Co-supervisor: Rebekah WegenerYvonne Rusch
Topic: „Sprachgewand(t)“ – Spracheinstellungen und Sprachverwendung im Schulunterricht – Ein subjektiver und objektiver Zugang mit Fokus auf Lehrendensprache (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Co- supervisor: Irmtraud KaiserDominik Wallner
Topic: Language change in real and apparent time. A panel study on sound change in Ulrichsberg, Upper Austria (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Stephan Elspaß
Co-supervisor: Hannes ScheutzJulia Weißenböck
Topic: SPEAK OUT: Boosting Speaking and 21st Century Skills Through Speaking Vlogs in Lower Secondary Schools in Austria (English and American Studies)
Main supervisor: Simone Pfenninger
Co-supervisor: Markus OppolzerKarolina Wieserová
Topic: Unbelebte Objekte mit differentieller Objektmarkierung im Tschechischen (Slavonic Studies)
Main supervisor: Imke Mendoza
Co-supervisor: Ilja Seržant -
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erik Schleef (DSP Coordinator)
English and American StudiesUniv.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Stöckl (DSP Coordinator)
English and American StudiesUniv.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Elspaß (Faculty Member)
German Language and LiteratureUniv.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Ender (Faculty Member)
German Language and LiteratureUniv.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz (Faculty Member)
Romance Languages and LiteraturesUniv. Ass. Dr. Irmtraud Kaiser (Faculty Member)
German Language and LiteratureUniv.-Prof. Dr. Imke Mendoza (Faculty Member)
Slavonic StudiesAssoz. Prof. Dr. Simon Pickl (Faculty Member)
German Language and LiteratureUniv.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pöll (Faculty Member)
Romance Languages and Literatures -
DSP Board of Experts
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simone Pfenninger (English and American Studies) – Universität Zürich UZH
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Wolf (Romance Languages and Literatures) – LMU München
Accompanying scientific experts
Dr. Thomas Kaltenbacher (English and American Studies)
Dr. Peter Mauser (German Language and Literature)
Dr. Isabel Repiso (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Dr. Rebekah Wegener (English and American Studies)
Successfully completed theses
Susanne Behensky
Topic: Die Kasusvariation bei Objekten von Verben des Wartens, Bittens und Forderns im Russischen (Slavonic Studies)
Main supervisor: Imke Mendoza
Co-supervisor: Thomas KrischDirk Köning
Topic: Akkommodation bei im dt. Sprachraum lebenden Hispanophonen (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Main supervisor: Bernhard Pöll
Co-supervisor: Johanna Wolf
Jennifer Konzett
Topic: Interferenzen beim Simultandolmetschen in die Muttersprache aus linguistischer und psycholinguistischer Perspektive mit speziellem Fokus auf dolmetschdidaktischen Aspekten. Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand der Sprachenpaare Deutsch-Spanisch und Spanisch-Deutsch (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Main supervisor: Bernhard Pöll
Co-supervisor: Martina Behr
Bradley Mackay
Topic: The Heterogeneity of sex-based categories: Phonetic variation in gay and straight speech (English and American Studies)
Main supervisor: Erik Schleef
Co-supervisors: Danielle Turton, Thomas Kaltenbacher
Jana Pflaeging
Topic: Change and Continuity in Multimodal Genres. A Text- and Media-Linguistic History of the Popular Science Journal ‘National Geographic’ (English and American Studies)
Main supervisor: Hartmut Stöckl
Co-supervisor: Alexander BrockEugen Unterberger
Topic: Einstellungen zu sprachlichen Varietäten und ihre Veränderbarkeit. Auswirkungen von schulischen Maßnahmen zur Bewusstmachung von stereotypen Bewertungsmustern (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Andrea Ender
Co-supervisors: Irmtraud Kaiser, Stephan ElspaßMason Wirtz
Topic: Sociolinguistic competence in adult second language acquisition. Dynamics of linguistic, socioaffective and cognitive factors in sociolinguistic development (German Language and Literature)
Main supervisor: Andrea Ender
Co-supervisors: Irmtraud Kaiser, Simone Pfenninger