DSP-Research Group
Dynamic Mountain Environments & Society Vol. 2
Mountain regions across the globe are dynamic environments displaying very high rates of natural and anthropogenic environmental change. Processes occur over a wide range of timescales and with a great dynamic range. They include slow but long-lasting geodynamic processes that build mountain ranges and foster evolutionary processes generating mountain biodiversity. Abiotic and biotic mountain environments are continuously shaped by the erosive power of ice and water. These processes can in turn occur on ecological to geological timescales as species and communities adapt to changing abiotic and/or biotic conditions. Species interactions further enhance dynamic feedbacks that lead to non-linear processes and changes in biodiversity. The increasing role of direct and indirect human impact on mountain ecosystems and biodiversity adds another dimension of complexity. Mountain ranges have been home to human societies for millennia. With technological changes and population increase human impact has become so significant that it now operates on par with geological and biological processes, and a new era is currently being coined – the Anthropocene. The increasing anthropogenic pressure on mountain environments has dramatic side effects. Erosional surface processes such as debris flows and rockfalls turn into natural hazards. Furthermore, climate change effects have a particularly strong impact on species that have adapted to alpine habitats. Hence, being able to cope with the risk of dynamic change is essential for any mountain-based society.
PhD students and scientists with backgrounds from natural sciences (geosciences and biology) and social sciences have joined forces to create a transdisciplinary research environment to tackle timely questions of international relevance within the framework of this proposed DSP-Kolleg entitled “Dynamic Mountain Environments” (DynamitE Vol. 2). Research excellence at the international forefront will be the leading characteristic of this DSP-Kolleg. Research project selection will focus on topics at the cutting edge of current debate. PhD students will have access to state of the art technologies and receive full support and training in all aspects of academic life. The main target for PhD students will be to publish at the highest international level (a minimum of three ISI papers) and the DSP-Kolleg will provide all necessary support to enable this. DynamitE will act as nucleation point for further research initiatives. DynamitE perfectly suits with and contributes to the guiding principle “Development and Sustainability” of PLUS.
The DSP Research Group Dynamic Mountain environments & Society Vol. 2 follows on from DymamitE – Dynamic Mountain Environments (DME)
Manuel Ankel
Main supervisor: Stefan Dötterl
Nina Czipf
Main supervisor: Andreas Tribsch
Fabian Dremel
Main supervisor: Christoph v. Hagke
Mengyue Duan
Main supervisor: Jörg Robl
Anna Götz
Main supervisor: Ulrike Ruprecht
Dominik Hagen
Main supervisor: Peter Steinbacher
Viktor Haunsperger
Main supervisor: Jörg Robl
Florian Hohenberger
Main supervisor: Stephen Wickham
Xinye Hu
Main supervisor: Jürgen Breuste
Natalie Kerschhofer
Main supervisor: Kyoko Shinozaki
Gladys Kungu
Main supervisor: Jan Christian Habel
Danai Laina
Main supervisor: Anja Hörger
Daniel Lukic
Main supervisor: Jan Christian Habel
Mareike Tabea Mittag
Main supervisor: Jana Petermann
Noreen Mutoro
Main supervisor: Jan Christian Habel
Thomas Pollhammer
Main supervisor: Bernhard Salcher
Thomas Rupp
Main supervisor: Stefan Dötterl
Martin Schlager
Main supervisor: Stefan Dötterl
Nicolas Villamizar-Escalante
Main supervisor: Christoph von Hagke
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph von Hagke (DSP Coordinator)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike-G. Berninger (DSP Co-coordinator)
Dr. Beate Apfelbeck (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christina Antenhofer (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike-G. Berninger (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Comes (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Dötterl (Faculty Member)
Dr. Jonas Eberle (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jussi Grießinger (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Sylke Hilberg (Faculty Member)
Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Angela Hof (Faculty Member)
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Anja Hörger (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof Dr. Martin Knoll (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Lang (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Franz Neubauer (Faculty Member)
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Otto (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Jana Petermann (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Robl (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Salcher (Faculty Member)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Robert Schabetsberger (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.in Kyoko Shinozaki (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Peter Steinbacher (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Tribsch (Faculty Member)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Uhlenwinkel (Faculty Member)
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lena von Kotzebue (Faculty Member)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Wickham (Faculty Member)
DSP Board of Experts
Prof. Dr. Sierd Cloetingh, University of Utrecht Geology, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Konrad Fiedler, University of Vienna, Animal Biology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Roman Frigg, London School of Economics, Phylosophy, UK
Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade, University of Vienna, Geomorphology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Stefan Harnischmacher, Phillips University Marburg, Anthropogeomorphology, Germany
Prof. Dr. David Inouye, University of Maryland, Animal-Plant Interactions, USA
Prof. Dr. Michael Krautblatter, TU München, Geomorphology, Germany
Associate Prof. Dr. Maggi Leung, University of Utrecht, Geography, Nethrelands
Prof. Dr. Marcus Nüsser, University of Heidelberg, Land Management, Germany
Prof. Dr.Thomas Schmitt, Senckenberg, Animal Biology, Germany
Successfully completed theses
Robert Siller
Docotral viva: 19-03-2024
Anna Maria Ernst
Doctoral viva: 7-03-2024
Janine Geissenberger
Doctoral viva: 10-23-2023
Martina Althammer
Topic: Molecular mechanisms of galactose toxicity in plants
Doctoral viva: 2-22-2022
Ruihong Chang
Topic: From accretionary to collisional orogeny: the tectonic evolution of the Austroalpine basement in the Eastern Alps
Doctoral viva: 10-4-2022
Eva Gfrerer
Topic: A chemical-ecological and evolutionary view on the deceptive pollination of Arum maculatum L. (Araceae)
Doctoral viva: 10-25-2022
Moritz Liebl
Topic: Elevated low relief landscapes in mountain belts
Doctoral viva: 12-14-2022
Josie Antonucci di Carvalho
Topic: Environmental change, temporal heterogeneity and fragmented habitats: Effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity in a model ecosystem
Doctoral viva: 11-22-2021
Anne-Laure Argentin
Topic: Detection and analysis of landslide-induced river course changes and lake formation
Doctoral viva: 11-22-2021
Marc Giménez Maranges
Topic: Sustainable water management is an essential component of sustainable development in eco-cities
Doctoral viva: 11-30-2021
Ingo Hartmmeyer
Topic: Thermal Dynamics and gravitational mass movements in high-alpine bedrock – Developing and implementing a long-term monitoring of surface and subsurface processes, Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern
Doctoral viva: 4-22-2021
Carola Helletsgruber
Topic: Erfassung und Modellierung regulierender Ökosystemleistungen von Stadtbäumen
Doctoral viva: 11-29-2021
Clemens Herrmüller
Topic: Sport in der Stadtnatur: Untersuchungen in der Stadt Salzburg
Doctoral viva: 12-2-2021
Boran Liu
Topic: Metamorphic complexes in mountain belts: the Anziling metamorphic dome in the northeastern North China Craton vs. Alpine metamorphic domes.
Doctoral viva: 4-7-2021
Florian Peters
Topic: Nature -related recreation in the city outskirts of Salzburg. What role does nature play in the context of recreation?
Doctoral viva: 11-30-2020
Anna-Maria Winkler
Topic: Wegwerfprodukt Auto? Geschichte der Verschrottung und Wiederverwertung von Automobilen in Deutschland und Österreich
Doctoral viva: 4-14-2021
Andreas Zechner
Topic: Das Ende des Steinbocks. Anthropogene und natürliche Ursachen für das Verschwinden der letzten autochthonen Steinwildpopulation der Ostalpen im Zillertal zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts,
Doctoral viva: 3-17-2017