Popular Culture Studies

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Popular culture is an ubiquitous part of our daily life. Identities of individuals and groups, gender identities,or youth cultures are associated with popular phenomena like stars, images, and popular media.In this context, popular culture is to be understood as an intermediary between sociocultural and individualprocesses.The Doctorate School PLUS Popular Culture Studies is an interdisciplinary PhD training programmecurrently composed of PhD students from four departments (Art, Music and Dance Studies, CommunicationScience, English and American Studies, History, Education, Romance Studies) of the Universityof Salzburg. The aim is to combine the different perspectives of the art, cultural, and social studies foranalyzing the complex research object of popular culture.The DSP regularly provides interdisciplinary seminars, colloquia, and workshops which are part of theobligatory courses in the PhD curriculum of the University of Salzburg. For detailed information pleaselook at the course directory via PLUS Online.We are proud that the DSP Popular Culture Studies is currently unique in the German-speaking countries.It features a focused and multilayered transdisciplinary theoretical and methodological researchframework with a highly motivated team of supervisors and graduate students.

  • Fellows

    Sahereh Astaneh
    Der Transformationsprozess des Musiktheaters im modernen Iran (1925-2020)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Raphaela Behounek
    Modernity Has Failed Us: Contemporary Gothic Fiction aimed at Young Adult Audiences as an Interpretive Framework for Dealing with the Crises of Modernity
    English and American Studies

    Fernando Beyer-Bustos
    Musikexil und Kulturvereinigungen: Studien zu Hitler-Emigrees in Mexiko 1936-1950
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Veronika Bochynek
    Steptanz im Musical Short – die Analyse einer hybriden Kulturpraxis
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Rebecca Breg
    Der mediale Habitus und dessen Einfluss auf das Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen 12 und 15 Jahren aus verschiedenen schulischen Milieus. (The media habitus and its influence on the behavior of children and adolescents between 12 and 15 years of age from different school environments.)
    Communication Studies

    Roland Mair-Gruber
    Das Kurorchester Bad Gastein und sein Repertoire
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Louisa T. Hutzler
    Transkulturalität in der musikalischen Praxis. Künstlerische Teilhabe in multiethnischen Ensembles
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Sophie Lauscher
    Neuinterpretation des Musicals in der BBC Serie Blackpool
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Lena Elisabeth Leßlhumer
    (to be submitted)
    English and American Studies

    Marius Liedtke
    Posting from Authority: Construction and Contestation of Health Expertise on Social Media
    Communication Studies

    Roxane Lindlacher
    Staging the body. Performances von Gender, Ethnicity, Age und Ability in Notenausgaben populärer Musik aus den Jahren 1930 bis 1950 in Österreich und Deutschland
    Kunst-, Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft

    Miriam Lisa Ljubijankic 
    Spuren der Vergangenheit. Verhandlung von Historizität und soziohistoriografisches Potenzial im Musical anhand physischer und auditiver Inszenierungen von Geschichte und Geschlechtern in den Musicals Elisabeth, Mozart! und Rebecca von Michael Kunze und Sylvester Levay an den Vereinigten Bühnen Wien.
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Christoph Sebastian Muth
    Georg Kirsta in England – Spurensuche nach Emigrat […]
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Andrea Pilz
    Lehárs Spätwerke im Zeichen der Kollaboration. Studie zur Entstehung der Stücke „Friederike“ (1928) und „Land des Lächelns“ (1929)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Christine Plakolm
    The Reception of American Popular Culture in Austria in the 1960s with the example of The Sound of Music (1965)
    English and American Studies

    Andrés Gualdrón Ramírez
    Picó soundsystems and champeta music in the 80s: an approach from Media Studies to a popular practice in the Colombian Caribbean
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Hannes Rois
    Veränderungen und Entwicklungen der Kompositionstechniken im Personalstil des Komponisten Arvo Pärt
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Lisa Schulze
    Two wheels, one route: Navigation und Medien für Rollstuhl-Nutzende
    Communication Studies

    Markus Schwarz
    Becoming Alien: Utopian Horizons in Outer Space and Climate Change Imaginaries
    English and American Studies

    Linda Siegel
    Diskriminierende Algorithmen: Wer entwickelt Software für wen?
    Communication Studies

    Natalie Stadler
    Musik und Tanz in des Salzburger Inszenierungen des Schauspiels Jedermann. Das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen Mannes
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Guillermo Enrique Velez Pardo 
    Der Passamezzo, die Folia und die melodischen Mode […]
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Eva Wiegert
    Visibilty by Night. Urbane Nachtfotografie in der Megastadt Lagos (Arbeitstitel)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Anna-Lena Wieser
    Mura Dehns The Spirit Moves. Jazztänze der New Yorker Club-Szene im Spannungsfeld zwischen soziokultureller Praxis und tanztheatraler Bühnenkunst (1920–1950)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Monika Zyla
    Contemporary Music and Its Others. Female Composers, Gender and Diversity Politics, and Constructions of National Identities at European festivals

  • Faculty

    Assoz. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen (DSP Coordinator)
    Communication Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Grosch (DSP Co-Coordinator)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralph Poole (DSP Co-Coordinator)
    English and American Studies

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dorothea Flothow (Faculty Member)
    English and American Studies

    Dr. Ewald Hiebl (Faculty Member)
    History Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Klaus (Faculty Member)
    Communication Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christopher F. Laferl (Faculty Member)
    Romance Languages and Literatures

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier (Faculty Member)
    Communication Studies

    Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Oppolzer (Faculty Member)
    English and American Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Seichter (Faculty Member)
    Educational Sciences

    Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Stöckl (Faculty Member)
    English and American Studies

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß (Faculty Member)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Elke Zobl (Faculty Member)
    Inter-University Organization Science and Arts / Communication Studies

    Mag. Dr. Ruard Absaroka (Postdocs)
    Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Schober (Postdocs)
    English and American Studies

    Mag. Dr. Maria Schreiber (Postdocs)
    Communication Studies

    Mag. Dr. Robert Winkler (Postdocs)
    English and American Studies

  • DSP Board of Experts

    Dr. Dr. Michael Fischer
    Universität Freiburg / Zentrum für Populäre Kultur und Musik 

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
    Universität Bremen / Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI)

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacke
    Universität Paderborn / Professor für Theorie, Ästhetik und Geschichte der Populären Musik

    Prof. Dr. Anette Keck
    LMU München / Professur für neuere deutsche Literatur, Kulturtheorie und Gender Studies, Sprecherin der Graduate School „Language & Literature“ der LMU München

    Prof. Dr. Edward Larkey
    University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) / Theorie, Ästhetik, Geschichte populäre Musik und Medien

    Prof. Dr. Angela Nelson
    Bowling Green State University, Ohio / Department of Popular Culture

  • Successfully completed theses

    Saskia Fuerst
    REMEMBERING HER ANCESTORS: Mature Black Women In Contemporary Us Literature, Artwork, And Print Advertisements | English and American Studies

    Johannes Hofinger
    Erzählungen von Salzburgerinnen und Salzburgern über ihr Leben in der NS-Zeit. Eine qualitative Sekundäranalyse | History Studies

    Florian Huber
    Quality-TV as a Televisual Paradigm | Communication Studies

    Elisabeth Krieber
    Adapting Autographics: Phoebe Gloeckner’s and Alison Bechdel’s Transgressive and Queer Subjectivities from Page to Stage and Screen | English and American Studies

    Frederic Luftensteiner
    Folk Discourse and the Reinvention of Tradition: Musical Past and its Creation in Times of Digital Music Production and Distribution Technology | Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Valentin Meneau
    The Genealogy of Female Hypersexualisation in Latin American Competitive Dancing | Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Jonas Menze
    Musical Backstages: Die Rahmenbedingungen und Produktionsprozesse des deutschsprachigen Musicals | Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies

    Stefanie Powell
    Media Literacy and Picturebooks in the EFL Classroom: Studying Gender Representations | English and American Studies

    Simone Schöndorfer
    THE SHADOW OF LEPROSY. A Health Communication for Development Research Project (HC4DRP) in a North-Indian Leprosy-Colony | Communication Studies

    Philip Sinner
    Social Media in der Fußball-Bundesliga. Die Social Media-Angebote der Vereine der Bundesliga und der 2. Bundesliga in Deutschland und deren Gebrauch durch Fans und Interessierte | Communication Studies

    Christoph Straub
    Visions of Femininity in Contemporary Indigenous Film | English and American Studies

    Agnieszka Zagozdzon
    Von „re-creation“ bis „glorification“ – zur musikalischen Inszenierung des historischen Broadway-Sounds in amerikanischen Musicals des späten 20. Jahrhunderts Communication Studies | Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies


Activities of the doctoral college

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