Assoz. Prof. Dr. Sabine Agatha

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Sabine Agatha
Head of working group protistology

Hellbrunnerstr. 34, Room: E-2.084, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5540
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5698

Maximilian Ganser, MSc.

Dr. Maximilian Ganser
Project Assistant

Hellbrunnerstr. 34, Room: E-2.086, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5615
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5698


Mag. Birgit Weißenbacher
Technical Assistant, Project assistant

Hellbrunnerstr. 34, Room: E-2.086, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5615
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5698

Laura Böll

Laura Böll
BSc student

Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg




Ji Hye MOON (PhD student, guest-student) 12-2022, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea; Introduction into the evolution and taxonomy of planktonic ciliates

Ji Hye CHOI (MSc student, guest-student) 12-2022, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea; Introduction into the evolution and taxonomy of planktonic ciliates

Viktoria ZECHNER (BSc student) 02-2022–08-2022, University of Salzburg; “Lorica forming granules in the tintinnid model genus Schmidingerella (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha)”

Michael KIRSCHNER (BSc student) 06-2020–09-2020, University of Salzburg; “Ultrastructural study on the extrusomes of Strombidium biarmatum (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha) and comparison with other oligotrichids”

Ronja RÜDEL (BSc student) 06-2018–03-2019, University of Salzburg; “Does the evolution of the lorica reflect the tintinnid phylogeny (Alveolata, Ciliophora) inferred from genetic data?”

Mattia FEDRIZZI (BSc student) 06-2018–02-2019, University of Salzburg; “Does the evolution of capsules reflect the tintinnid phylogeny (Alveolata, Ciliophora) inferred from genetic data?”

Margit KAGERER BSc (MSc student) 01-2018–02-2019, University of Salzburg; “Now and then” – Comparison of historic and current data on the tintinnid community composition in the eastern North Pacific”

Sylvia ANGERER (BSc student) 07-2017–10-2018, University of Salzburg; “Planktonic from deep waters of the Mediterranean”

Maximilian GANSER MSc (PhD student) 04-2017–05-2022, University of Salzburg; “Disclosing the Biodiversity and Evolutionary Relationships of Planktonic Ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Oligotrichea) Based on Big Data from the Northwest Pacific Biodiversity Hotspot and the North Atlantic”

Michael GRUBER MSc (PhD student) 02-2017–06-2020,  University of Salzburg; “New Morphologic Features for Explaining Molecular Phylogenies in Oligotrichea, an Ecologically Important Group of Planktonic Protists (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha)”

Alexandra MÜHLTHALER BSc (MSc student) 06-2017–05-2018, University of Salzburg; “Ultrastructure of the Somatic kinetids in a Tintinnid Ciliate (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha) for inferring Phylogenetic Relationships”

Peter RADACHER (BSc student) 10-2017–03-2018, University of Salzburg; “Morphology and ultrastructure of the resting cyst in the tintinnid ciliate Schmidingerella meunieri, and its taxonomic implications”

Magdalena LANDL (BSc student) 04-2016–02-2018, University of Salzburg; “Evolution of somatic ciliary patterns in Oligotrichida (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha) and its cladistic analysis”

Maximilian GANSER BSc (MSc student) 10-2016–04-2017 University of Salzburg;8 Redescription of Tintinnidium mucicola (Claparède & Lachmann, 1858) Daday, 1887 (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Tintinnina) and its Taxonomic Implications”

Philip HÖLZL (Schulpraktikant) 08.–09.11.2016, Neue Mittelschule Walserfeld

Susanne RIEDL (Diploma student) 06-2015–06-2018, University of Salzburg; “Unterrichtseinheiten zu Anpassungsmechanismen von Bodenorganismen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Protisten”

Alexandra MÜHLTHALER (BSc student) 06-2015–10-2015, University of Salzburg; “Redescription of the tintinnid ciliate Tintinnopsis subacuta (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotrichea) based on protargol-impregnated material”

Laura SCHICKER (BSc student) 06-2015–10-2015, University of Salzburg; “Histochemical studies on loricae of the tintinnid ciliate genus Schmidingerella (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotrichea)”

Rene EGGERS (BSc student) 01–06-2015, University of Salzburg; “Ontogenesis in the tintinnid Favella panamensis (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Spirotricha) and comparison with related taxa”

Melina NALMPANTI BSc (Erasmus student) 10-2014–02-2015, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; “Biodiversity of North Atlantic tintinnids”

Maximilian GANSER (BSc student) 02–08-2014, University of Salzburg; “Deciphering the Favella cluster – a redescription of Favella panamensis KOFOID and CAMPBELL, 1929 (Ciliophora, Choreotrichida) based on protargol impregnation”

Eun Sun LEE (PhD student) 04-2013–05-2015, Department of Biological Science, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, 680-749, Korea; introduction into the evolution and taxonomy of planktonic ciliates; co-supervison

Atef OMAR (PhD student) 07-2011–09-2013, University of Salzburg; FWF-Project “Ciliates from bromeliads” of Prof. W. FOISSNER; co-supervison

Bettina HOFER (Master student) 10-2011–07-2012 University of Salzburg; Limnological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria; “Phylogeny of Polynucleobacter-endo-symbionts of Euplotes spp.”; supervision together with Dr. Martin HAHN

Sheng-Fang TSAI (PhD student), 04-2007–03-2008, Institute of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung; Introduction into the evolution and taxonomy of planktonic ciliates; co-supervison