Geoinformatics Events
Location matters! Salzburg is a premium city for conferences and events. Our philosophy is to be ‘green and smart’ about the events that we organise. We focus on the detail to ensure that we deliver events that offer excellent atmosphere, learning and networking opportunities to our communities.
Every year in July, Z_GIS organizes the AGIT. Formerly known as GI_Salzburg & GI_Forum, two successful Geoinformatic conferences with a 30+-year history, AGIT will continue to be known as the meeting place for Geoinformatics communities and thus as a hub for professional exchange, further education, innovation and quite simply, as a creative milieu.
Find all details at
GIS Day & iDEAS:lab
Regular events for students, innovators and the general public are organised at the iDEAS:lab, and a special annual highlight is GIS Day – as a national contribution to the worldwide GIS Day initiative.
We also contribute to conferences, workshops and summer schools at other locations, and increasingly in virtual space, currently e.g.
- GIS in Central Asia – GISCA
We are also happy to refer to events organised by partners such as AGEO.
Upcoming events
PeaceEye Workshop 2024
PeaceEye creates situational awareness on conflicts, provides insightson actors and peacebuilding initiatives, and supports conflictresolution in volatile regions.
The workshop on 11. October starts with an overview, before diving deeper into the project.
More information & sign-up here.
Past events
International Data Week 2023
With the motto “A Festival of Data”, IDW2023 will be coming to Europe for the first time. The Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences at the University of Salzburg will be the local host for the event and organize it together with the International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA), World Data System (WDS), and Research Data Alliance (RDA)
Prior to the conference in October, we’re organizing a first info event, the “Salzburg Lecture” on January 30, 2023. Attendance is free of charge, registration reequired until Friday, January 27, 2023. Find the official invitation and registration link >here.
International Data Week 2023 website
DyMoN Summer School
We invite students and experts, who share interest in sustainable mobility to participate in the DyMoN Summer School “GIS and psychology meet for behavioural change in mobility: Innovative digital interventions for sustainable mobility”. The school will take place in beautiful, mountainous city of Salzburg, Austria, from June 27th to July 6th, 2023. It is organized by the Department of Geoinformatics at University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, together with the DyMoN project consortium.
Follow the link to find out more.