Application Process

The application for an exchange placement at the University of Salzburg within a bilateral Study Abroad exchange programme must be made with the appropriate authority (academic coordinator or International Office) at your home university by using our Entry Form for exchange students. The form requires your university’s signature and seal, as well as your signature! Your application documents will be sent to us by your institutional representative.

Nomination/Application Deadlines

  • May 31st  and June 30th for the following winter semester/academic year
  • October 31st and November 30th for the following summer semester

Application Documents

  • Entry form
  • CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Transcript of Records

Registration for Exchange Students

  •  online PRE-REGISTRATION. It’s important to fill in this pre-registration before departure to Salzburg University! This service will be made available around two months before the start of semester (1st July for the following winter semester/academic year, 2nd January for the following summer semester). Please make sure to note down the identification number you are assigned by the system, as well as the fixed appointment at University of Salzburg’s Admissions Department.
  • Personal Registration at the Student Service Centre. Upon arrival in Salzburg, please come first to the International Relations Office to collect your Welcome Folder and to get assistance with the further steps in the registration process.


PLUSonline Student Service Platform

For the course catalogue, the University of Salzburg and additional information on courses, please refer to the  PLUSonline student service platform. It is also possible to search for  courses taught in English with PLUSonline.

Language Courses

The University of Salzburg generally expects all incoming students to have sufficient proficiency in German. This is not a required qualification; however, all potential students should be aware that the primary language used for coursework at the University is German. If you are not yet at this level or simply would like to brush up on your German, the University offers German language courses through the Department of German and the  University Language Center which are taught according to varying levels of proficiency and run the length of each semester. The courses cost between €45 and €120.
German Language Intensive Courses before Semester starts
The University of Salzburg offers at the beginning of each semester intensive language preparation courses in German at two levels: A1 and B1. For more information on the courses, application and registration, please see top of page!

Health Insurance

Exchange students studying at our University must prove that they have a health insurance valid in Austria. Students from EU/EEA countries are required to possess the European Health Insurance Card. Students from countries that have an insurance agreement with Austria should bring along the “A3 form”, which is available at the national health insurance institutions of their home countries. All other students are recommended either to purchase health insurance in their home country or to take out a health insurance policy for students  Studierendenselbstversicherung

Liability and Accident Insurance

Liability and accident insurance is included in the Austrian Student Union Membership Fee of € 22.70 (as of 2024), which every student is obliged to pay. This insurance coverage is valid for all activities at the University. If you would like further insurance you will have to research other means of coverage yourself.

Buddy Network

The Buddy-Network is a service offered by the Austrian Students Union (ÖH)_International Branch in Salzburg. You can apply to be matched up with an Austrian “buddy”, who will be able to guide and advise you at the beginning of your stay at the University of Salzburg.
If you are interested in participating, the Austrian Student Union_International Branch launched an application/registration process for you via:
For more information on the service or if you are facing difficulties/problems, please contact the Austrian Student Union_International Branch Salzburg

Any Questions?!

The International Relations Office will be happy to help you.