Schools in Austria

Compulsory School Attendance in Austria

School attendance is compulsory for all children living in Austria. Attendance is required for nine school years, starting on September 1 after the sixth birthday of the child and ending on the last day of classes of the nineth school year.
The following types of primary, secondary, intermediate and higher schools are available: Primary School (Volksschule, Grundsdchule), Special Needs Education (Sonderschule), Secondary School (Hauptschule, Neue Mittelschule), Academic Secondary School (allgemeinbildende höhere Schule), Pre-Vocational Year (Polytechnische Schule), other intermediate and higher schools. Schools may be private or public.
You can find information, including a  list of schools, on the pages of the Salzburg School Board ( Bildungsdirektion Salzburg). Please contact the school of your choice for any further information.



Further schools and continuing education programs

The  Austrian Education System offers a great variety of educational programs after completion of the school attencace requirement. Please contact the selected institution directly for admission information.