Statistical Learning
The team Statistical Learning develops practice-oriented applications of statistical methods in economics, natural and social sciences. Estimation and testing methods as well as the construction of interpretable models play an important role. The aim is always to gain valuable insights from data, for example to save resources and costs or to increase benefits and efficiency through sophisticated forecasts.
Postdoc-Position: Jonathan Ansari
Dr. Jonathan Ansari is leading the team Statistical Learning. After completing his doctorate in mathematics, he focused on statistics, dependency modelling, risk analysis and financial mathematics. Initially, he researched and taught at the University of Freiburg in the field of quantitative finance. He is also working at PLUS as part of the FWF-project “ReDim” (PI: S. Fuchs) on quantifying dependencies via dimensionality reduction.
Postdoc-Position: Henrik Kaiser
Dr. Henrik Kaiser obtained his doctorate in mathematics at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen. He focuses on the topics of errors in variables, integral transforms and asymptotic expansions of integrals.
Research assistant: Stefanie Steinmaßl (VeRAin)
Stefanie Steinmaßl MSc completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mathematics at PLUS. In her master’s thesis, she investigated the game-theoretic p-Laplace operator as a regularizer for semi-supervised learning on graphs with few labels. She currently works as a research assistant in the fields of statistics and dependence modeling.