Lifetime funding acquisition: approx. €2 900 000


Funding periodFunding agency, grant ID and title
Current research projects
2021-2025Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: P33969
The NLPR3/eiF2 axis in AML
2021-2023EVER Neuropharma
Effects of NPepZn on the immune system
2021-2023 Cancer Cluster Salzburg, federal state of Salzburg
CCS II-IOS, the microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia
2020-2024EU Horizon 2020
Grant ID: 956544
 Directing the immune response through designed nanomaterials (DIRNANO)
2019-2022EU Horizon 2020 Interreg V-A Italia-Austria (co-applicant, PI)
 Epigenetics in immunity and cancer (EPIC)
2019-2022EU Horizon 2020
Grant ID: 812661
 Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches (ENDONANO)
2018-2022Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: W1213
NLRs in type 2 inflammation
Completed research projects
2017-2020Canster Cluster Salzburg
Tumor-microenvironment in AML
2017-2020Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: P29941
NOD1 controls tolerogenic DCs
2016-2020EVER Neuropharma
Anti-inflammatory effects of Cerebrolysin
2014-2018Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: 25696
Signaling crosstalk between NOD2 and IL-31
2015-2016AAI Careers in Immunology Fellowship
Grant ID: AI0615_P
NOD1 counteracts anti-inflammatory effects mediated by IL-10
2011-2015Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: P23933
IL-31 regulates DC-mediated T cell responses in the course of atopic dermatitis
2009-2013Austrian Science Fund
Grant ID: P23933
The role of IL-31/IL-31R interactions in dendritic cells for the activation of human T cells 

Project participations
