Eva Lienbacher

Lienbacher Foto VisitenkartePhoto © Eva Lienbacher

FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Eva Lienbacher

Department of Business / Marketing
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 5020 Salzburg


Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 3rd Floor, Room 013

Office Hours
Office hours by personal appointment via e-mail 

About the Person

Since October 2023, Eva Lienbacher has been working as a Universitätsassistentin (Postdoc) (postdoctoral university assistant) in the Department of Business / Marketing, at the Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg. Additionally, she holds a professorship (FH) at the FH Salzburg (Salzburg University of Applied Sciences) and has been leading the Marketing Management department there since January 2023. She is also involved in teaching various modules in the Circular Economy Certificate Program, a collaboration between the Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg / SMBS and FH Salzburg, where she serves as the deputy head under Christine Vallaster.

Before her current position, Eva Lienbacher worked at the New Design University in St. Pölten as part of the research project “Entrepreneurial Resilience and Collaborations in the Use of Digital Marketing Technologies: An Analysis of the Structured Austrian Retail Sector.” Prior to that, she was a key member of Professor Peter Schnedlitz’s team at the Institute for Retailing and Marketing at the WU Vienna for nearly ten years. Her roles included serving as an Assistant Professor and acting as the deputy head of the institute. During her time at WU Vienna, she completed her dissertation titled “Corporate Social Responsibility in Retail: Discussion and Empirical Evidence of the Alternative Business Type ‘Sozialmarkt’.” Her dissertation received recognition, including the Vienna Prize for Retail Research, the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Prize (2012), and the Stephan Koren Prize from WU Vienna (2013). In 2022, her research project titled “Geographic Information System for Sozialmärkte and Similar Institutions” earned second place in the “Communication and Decision-Making” category at the Sustainability Award (jointly with Julia Koschinsky from the University of Chicago, Christine Vallaster, and Christina Holweg from WU Vienna). The Sustainability Award is a nationwide competition for universities, universities of applied sciences, and teacher training colleges in the field of sustainability, organized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Climate Protection.

Main Research Areas

Current Research Project: Interreg Alpine Space – Circular Economy: Mapping Food Streams and Identifying Potentials to Close the Food Cycle (CEFoodCycle)

In her research, Eva Lienbacher focuses on social-ecological initiatives by companies and other actors from a business perspective. Additionally, she investigates questions related to retail marketing and management. Her research has been published in journals such as the Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, and Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing

Selected Publications

Paiker, M., Lienbacher, E., & Vallaster, C. (2024). New Parents, New Shopping Habits? CSR Knowledge, CSR Cues, and Baby Product Advertisements. In Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility. Edited by: Stefan Markovic, Adam Lindgreen, Nikolina Koporcic, and Milena Micevsk (pp. 48-66). Routledge.

Vallaster, C., Cesinger, B., Niemand, T., Huis, C., & Lienbacher, E. (2023), “Conscientious enterprises: The role of decision makers’ social identity and the preference to engage in B2B relationships,” Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 216-228.

La Garde, S., Lienbacher, E., and Cesinger, B. (2022), „Customer experience und digitale In-Store Technologien im kleinstrukturierten Einzelhandel,“ ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 3/4, 233-245.

Holweg, C., and E. Lienbacher (2022), „Initiativen kooperativer Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung im Lebensmittelbereich“, in Heintel, M. (Hrsg.) Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, Wien, 15-22.

Lienbacher, E., Koschinsky, J., Holweg, C., & Vallaster, C. (2021), “Spatial Decision Support for Social Hybrid Organizations: Siting New Social Supermarkets in Austria,” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.

Lienbacher, E., Cesinger, B., & Vallaster, C. (2020), “Stand der Forschung zum Einsatz von Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality im stationären Einzelhandel und Implikationen für KMU,“ ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 3/4, 259-284.

Lienbacher, E., Holweg, C., & Vallaster, C. (2020), “Sinnhaftigkeit als Erfolgsfaktor? Das Sozialmarkt-Konzept. Für soziale Integration und die Weitergabe wertvoller Lebensmittel,“ Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 4, 236-240.

Holweg, C., and E. Lienbacher (2016), „Social Supermarkets in Europe – Investigations from a retailing perspective in selected European countries,” Vienna.