Christine Vallaster Mag.a Christine Vallaster
Full Professor
Department of Business / Marketing
Churfürststraße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +4366280443453
Linkedin, Researchgate, ORCID
Academic Career
Curriculum vitae, Awards, Publications, Projects
Churfürststraße 1 (Toskanatrakt), 1st Floor, Room 153 (How to find us!)
Office Hours
Office hours by personal appointment via e-mail
About the Person
From autumn 2015 to January 2023, I was responsible for the Marketing & Relationship Management department at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, was Head of Research for the Business Administration course for almost two years and most recently in the role of Head of the Department of Business & Tourism. I completed my doctorate at the University of Innbruck with a longer stay abroad for my empirical research in Hong Kong (China) on strategic decision-making processes of multicultural work groups. I gained work experience as an assistant professor at an educational institution in Buenos Aires (Argentina). These experiences in an intercultural work environment contributed to my later habilitation topic, which revolved around the subject of how companies need to organise their internal work processes so that they can keep their brand promises to their customers and stakeholders. During my habilitation phase, I was funded by the Alexander Humboldt Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Main Research Areas
My research focuses on the areas of strategy & corporate brand and CSR or responsibility (mainly on the corporate side) in the context of the circular economy. Digitalisation plays a major role in this.
To Listen
Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Art des Wirtschaftens – Kreislaufwirtschaft
Podcast New Business Models – on spotify and soundcloud