Christina Anderer | tba | Political Science and Sociology |
Matthias Bernhardt | Optimal Portfolio Building and Dynamic Relationships | Social and Economic Sciences |
Maximilian Fleig | Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Auslandsverschuldung | Social and Economic Sciences |
Gregor Paul Greslehner | From Molecules to Biological Systems: Explaining Life at Different Levels | Philosophy |
Patrick Kutschar | Faktoren der Qualität standardisierter Befragungen bei älteren Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen | Political Science and Sociology |
Martin Lechleitner | Functional responses of plant communities and plant-pollinator interactions to elevational gradients and climate change | Ecology and Evolution |
Christoph Mödlhamer | tba | Political Science and Sociology |
Judith Parkinson | tba | Mathematics |
Manuela Schreyer | Spezielle Klassen von Copulae und deren Anwendungen | Mathematics |
Markus Tiefenbacher | Effects on Market Property Value Based Taxing | Social and Economic Sciences |
Monika Wagner | Climate and Spatial-Temporal Modelling for Mycobiont-Photobiont-Interactions in Antarctic Lecideoid Lichens | Ecology and Evolution |
Georg Zimmermann | Analysis of Covariance – Different Approaches | Mathematics |