- Kuhn, C., Hagenauer, G., & Gröschner, A. (2021, August 23‑27). Why did you become a mentor teacher? A qualitative study on the motives to become a mentor teacher. In C. Kuhn & G. Hagenauer (Chairs). Learning in the School Practicum Mentoring as professional development for student & mentor teachers [Symposium]. EARLI 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden. https://www.earli.org/EARLI2021 (online)
- Kuhn, C., & Hagenauer, G. (2021, March 22‑24). Warum entscheiden sich Lehrpersonen, Mentor*in zu werden?: Eine Erwartungs-mal-Wert theoretische Perspektive zur Eingangsmotivation von Mentor*innen [Why do teachers decide to become mentor teachers: an expectation-value theoretical perspective on mentor teachers‘ initial motivation]. In C. Kuhn & G. Hagenauer (Chairs). Zur Rolle von Motivation und Emotion in den schulpraktischen Studien [On the role of motivation and emotion in school-based practical studies] [Symposium]. 4. IGSP, Osnabrück, Germany. https://www.igsp-kongress-osnabrueck-2021.de/ (online)
- Kuhn, C. (2021, February 17‑19). ‚Weil man auch selbst immer etwas Neues lernt‘
Motivationen von Lehrpersonen Mentor*in zu werden – eine Erwartungs-mal-Wert theoretische Perspektive [‘Because you always learn something new yourself‘ - Motivations of teachers to become mentor teachers – an expectancy-value theory perspective] [Paper presentation in mentoring session]. International Winter School, Retreat 2021: Forschungskonzepte in der Lehrer*innenbildung, Salzburg, Austria. (online)
- Kuhn, C. (2020, September 07‑11). Why did you become a mentor teacher? A qualitative study on the motives to become a mentor teacher [Poster presentation]. VASOM, Vienna, Austria. https://vasom.univie.ac.at/ (online)
- Kuhn, C., & Hagenauer, G. (2020, September 3‑8). The mentor-mentee relationship and its relation to student teachers’ motivation and help-seeking [Poster presentation]. ICM „Motivation and Emotion meets Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning“, Dresden, Germany. https://sig8meetssig16-dresden.de/ (Conference postponed)
- Kuhn, C. (2020, August 31‑September 2). The Role of Motivation in the Experiences and Behaviours of Mentor Teachers in the School Practicum [Paper presentation]. ICM Summer School 2020, Moritzburg, Germany. https://sig8meetssig16-dresden.de/summer-school-2/ (Summer School postponed)
- Kuhn, C. (2020, July 13‑17). Why did you become a mentor teacher? A qualitative study on the motives to become a mentor teacher [Poster session]. JURE 2020 „Generation Change: The Future of Education in a Diverse Society“, Porto, Portugal. https://www.earli.org/JURE2020 (Conference cancelled)
- Kuhn, C., & Hagenauer, G. (2020, März 25‑27). Zur Bedeutung der Qualität der Mentor-Mentee-Beziehung für die Zielorientierungen und das Hilfesuchen im Schulpraktikum [Poster presentation]. GEBF 8 Tagung, Potsdam, Germany. https://gebf2020.de/ (Conference cancelled)
- Kuhn, C. (2020, February 05‑07). The Role of Motivation in the Experiences and Behaviours of Mentor Teachers During the School Practicum [Paper presentation in mentoring session]. International Winter School, Retreat 2020: Forschungskonzepte in der Lehrer*innenbildung, Cologne, Germany.
Organisation von Symposien
Kuhn, C., & Hagenauer, G. (2021, August 23‑27). Learning in the School Practicum Mentoring as professional development for student & mentor teachers [Symposium]. EARLI 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden. https://www.earli.org/EARLI2021 (online)
With submissions by:
- Isabelle Grassmé, Antje Biermann, & Michaela Gläser-Zikuda;
- Tina Hascher, Anja Winkler, Daniela Freisler, & Christiane Ammann;
- Discussant: Kari Smith
Kuhn, C., & Hagenauer, G. (2021, March 22‑24). Zur Rolle von Motivation und Emotion in den schulpraktischen Studien [On the role of motivation and emotion in school-based practical studies] [Symposium]. 4. IGSP, Osnabrück, Germany. https://www.igsp-kongress-osnabrueck-2021.de/ (online)
With submissions by:
- Irina Rosa Kumschick, Roland Künzle, & Loredana Torchetti;
- Manuela Keller-Schneider;
- Mathias Dehne, Alexander Gröschner, Susi Klaß;
- Discussant: Frances Hoferichter