Registration of residence address (An- und Abmeldung)

You have to register your residence address in the city office (Meldeamt) with three days after moving into a house or an apartment. In the city of Salzburg this is the “Magistrat,” in the country the “Gemeindeamt.” When moving out, you have to cancel this registration within three days prior or after the date of moving out.  You will need a  Meldezettel and your passport/ID card. Here is a specimen of the Meldezettel in English.
If you stay in a hotel or other commercial accommodation you have to register by entering your data in the hotel guest book.
Registration and cancellation is free of charge. Additional information about this registration process is availble  here. (Registration Service, City of Salzburg. Information in German)

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
Foto: Tourismus Salzburg