Course Offerings – “Gender, Diversity & Equality”

Gender equality is not only one of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations but constitutes the base for all other goals. Without gender equality, a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future is out of reach. Nonetheless, this goal remains unachieved. To understand and overcome the barriers to persisting inequalities between genders, interconnected knowledge and transdisciplinary thinking is key.

The cross-faculty „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“- program supports students of all fields in developing a broad but differentiated understanding of the interplay of gender, power, and inequality. Students do not only gain theoretical and empirical insights into the challenges to and consequences of gender equality, equal opportunities, and inclusion but also acquire practical knowledge that helps promoting equality and diversity in all spheres of life.

The „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ offer comprises research-based teaching in the digital, social, and natural sciences as well as theology, law, and cultural studies. The broad spectrum of courses offered encourages a critical view on gendered differences, gender identities, and role models. Highlighting other structural categories, it opens the view to the challenges of intersectionality.

The supplementary GDE- courses and minors allow students to gather their knowledge, acquired in GDE-courses and attain a certified additional qualification.

Course Offerings for the Academic Year 2023-2024


Political Science



Course offerings of the Professorship for Gender 

Course offerings GDE Guest Professorship

External courses in GDE

Classical studies


Educational Science

German studiea


Communication studies




Sociology and Human Geography


GDE Courses in English 2022-2023

Winter Semester 2023-2024

Summer Semester 2024