Mag. Dr. Thomas Scherndl
Senior Scientist
Department of Psychology
Hellbrunner Straße 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 – 5167
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 – 5126
Consultation hour: by arrangement
Contact :
- Tel: +43 662 80445167
- Mail:
- WebexMeetings (please send me an email first): https://uni-salzburg.webex.com/meet/thomas.scherndl
- WebexTeams
- Twitter: @ThomasScherndl // Orcid // Google Scholar
Research Group: Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology
- 2010-2015 PhD at the department of psychology at PLUS
- 2004-2009 Diploma of Psychology at PLUS
Academic Positions:
- since 2015 Senior Scientist (post-doc) at PLUS
- 2010 – 2015 PhD position (pre-doc) at PLUS
Teaching: I am mainly focused on teaching research methods (especially in the masters), but I also advise students in empirical seminars, bachelor seminars or master seminars. Additionally, I co-host the specialization module “Data Science and Reproducible Science” in the master together with A.o. Prof. Anton Kühberger.
Research: As Senior Scientist, my main task is to support all research going on in my working group and to make sure that all of my colleagues have everything they need to conduct their research in an optimal way. My research is thus broad and includes topics from all of my colleagues: published works span from scale development (e.g. gender roles, math anxiety,…), over general personality research focusing on conscientiousness and leadership potential to the perception of high-stakes situations. See also my GoogleScholar / ORCID profile.
Key publications: See my up-to-date profile in Orcid and Google Scholar