Hagenauer, G., Muehlbacher, F., Kuhn, C., Stephan, M. & Gläser-Zikuda, M. (2023). Mixed Methods in research on emotions and motivation. In G. Hagenauer, R. Lazarides, & H. Järvenoja (Eds.), Motivation and Emotion in Learning and Teaching across Educational Contexts: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives and Empirical Insights. EARLI Book Series.

Hagenauer, G., Muehlbacher, F., & Ivanova, M. (2022). “It’s where learning and teaching begins ‒ is this relationship” — insights on the teacher-student relationship at university from the teachers’ perspective. Higher Education.

Hagenauer, G., & Muehlbacher, F. (2022). Emotionen, Emotionsregulation und Emotionskommunikation von Lehrpersonen – ein theoretischer Überblick unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lehrer*innen-Schüler*innen-Beziehung [Emotions, emotion regulation and emotion communication of teachers – a theoretical overview with a special focus on the teacher-student relationship]. In G. Schauer, L. Jesacher-Rößler, D. Kemethofer, J. Reitinger, & C. Weber (Eds.), Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege. Professionalisierungsforschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung (Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung, Band 9) [Entrances, Transitions, Advancements: Professionalisation Research in Teacher Education, Volume 9] (pp. 125-140). Waxmann.

Hagenauer, G., Muehlbacher, F., Kuhn, C., & Ivanova, M. (2021). Affective styles of teachers: Associations with positive and negative affect and the teacher-student relationship. In M. Carmignola, & D. Martinek (Eds.), Persönlichkeit – Motivation – Entwicklung [Personality – Motivation – Development] (pp. 245-260). Dr. Kovac.

Mühlbacher, F. (2023). Langeweile und deren Regulation bei Lehrpersonen im Teamteaching-Unterricht [Boredom and its regulation among teachers during team-teaching lessons. Erziehung und Unterricht [Education and Teaching], 173(1-2), 108-115.

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2022). Teachers’ Emotion Regulation in the Team-Taught Classroom: Insights Into Teachers’ Perspectives on How to Regulate and Communicate Emotions With Regard to the Team Teaching Partner [Original Research]Frontiers in Education, 7.

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2023, February 27 – March 02). Emotionen von Lehrpersonen und deren Auslösebedingungen im Teamteaching-Unterricht [Teacher emotions and their antecedents during team-teaching lessons]. Poster presented at the 10th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M.  (2022, August 24–26). Teachers’ emotion regulation in the team-taught classroom: a qualitative analysis. Symposium presentation at the EARLI SIG 8: Motivation and Emotion. 17th International Conference on Motivation (ICM), Universität Dresden, Germany.

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2022, March 09–11). Emotionsregulation von Lehrpersonen im Teamteaching-Unterricht. Einblicke, wie aus Sicht der Lehrpersonen Emotionen im Hinblick auf die Partnerlehrperson reguliert und kommuniziert werden [Emotion regulation among teachers during team-teaching lessons. Insights into teachers‘ perspectives on how to regulate and communicate emotions with regard to  the team teaching partner]. Symposium presentation at the 9th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Universität Bamberg, Germany. (online)

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2022, February 21–25). Emotionen von Lehrpersonen im Teamteaching-Unterricht: Einblicke in derzeitige Ergebnisse und Ausblicke auf weitere Forschungsvorhaben [Emotions of teachers during team-teaching lessons: insights into current results and an outlook on future research agendas]. Presentation at the DACH-Nachwuchsakademie, Innsbruck, Austria. (online)

Muehlbacher, F. (2022, January 27). Emotionen von Lehrpersonen im Teamteaching-Unterricht: Auslöser, Regulationsstrategien und Effekte [Emotions of teachers during team-teaching lessons: antecedents, regulation strategies and effects]. Presentation at the research colloquium for PhD candidates at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel, Germany. (online)

Hagenauer, G., Muehlbacher, F., & Ivanova, M. (2021, August 23–27). Insights on the teacher-student relationship at university from the teachers’ perspective. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. (online)

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2021, August 18–20). Team teaching is emotional: antecedents and manifestations of teachers’ emotions triggered by the team partner. Poster presented at the Junior Reserachers of EARLI Conference (JURE), Gothenburg, Sweden. (online)

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2021, June 14–16). Teachers’ emotions during team-taught lessons. Presentation at the EERA Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland. (online)

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2021, February 17–19). Emotionen von Lehrpersonen im Teamteaching-Unterricht: Vorstellung des Dissertationsprojektes [Emotions of teachers during team teaching: presentation of the PhD project]. Presentation at the International Winter School for Junior Researchers, Salzburg, Austria. (online)

Muehlbacher, F., Hagenauer, G., & Keller, M. M. (2020, September 07–11). Erzählen Sie doch mal über Ihre Emotionen beim Teamteaching in der Klasse…eine qualitative Interviewstudie über die Einflussfaktoren und Qualität von emotionalen Erlebnissen im Teamteaching-Unterricht [Tell me about your emotions during team teaching in the classroom…a qualitative interview study about the antecedents and qualities of emotional experiences in the team-taught classroom]. Poster presented at the Vienna Autumn School of Methods (VASOM) 2020, Vienna, Austria. (online)