
Chair of the Department of Political Science

Senior Faculty




Externally Funded Researchers

SCEUS PhD Fellows (short biographies)
  • Alexandra Bögner (supervised by Prof. Dür and Prof. Spilker/Uni Konstanz)
  • Nacjune Choi (supervised by Prof. Dür and Dr. Gastinger)
  • Amélie Jaques-Apke (supervised by Prof. Heinisch)
  • Soso Makaradze (supervised by Prof. Blauberger and Prof. Spilker)
  • Mariia Tepliakova (supervised by Prof. Fortin-Rittberger and Dr. Zwiener-Collins)
  • Vitus Terviel (supervised by Prof. Blauberger and Prof. Ripoll Servent)

Staff Scientist and Senior Administrator


Administrative Staff


Student Assistants (starting WS 2024/25)

  • Felix Bayer (International Relations/Prof. Dür)
  • Laura Kulterer (Gender/Prof. Lefkofridi)
  • Linda Turina (Methods/Prof. Huber)
  • Karolin Mayer (Austrian Politics/Prof. Heinisch)
  • Marlene Estermann (Head of Department, Erasmus/Prof. Dür und Prof. Miklin)
  • Niederegger Tobias (Comparative Politics/Prof. Fortin-Rittberger)

External Lecturers


Emeritus Faculty