Determinants of Eurosceptical Voting Behavior in CEE Countries and Party Responses (DEVBCEEC)
European Commission funded FP7-PEOPLE-2010-RG MC-IRG (Project ID: 268340) A. Project Information
- Project Proposal and First Results
- Project Report
- Ethics Screening Report
- Survey Hungary
- Survey Poland
- Survey Slovakia
- Project Final Report
- Heinisch: Returning to Europe and the Rise of Europragmatism: Party Politics and the European Union since 1989
- Heinisch-Hauser: Main Right Party Responses to Radical Populist and Extremist Party Positioning in Central Europe
- Heinisch-Landsberger: East Central Europe’s Complex Relationship with European Integration
- Heinisch-Landsberger: Salience Matters
- Heinisch-Muehlboeck: Perception of the EU and Reactions to the Financial Crisis in ECE
- Heinisch-Muehlboeck: The Eurosceptic Voter
- Heinisch-Schlipphak: Die Finanzkrise und ihre Einfluss auf das Wahlverhalten auf nationaler Ebene
- Heinisch-Schlipphak: The Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Citizens’ Electoral Behavior on the National Level
- Heinisch-Schlipphak: Euroscepticsm, Domestic Extremist Voting and the Role of the Financial Crisis
- Heinisch-Schlipphak: Wenn Europa zum Problem wird – die Effekte der Finanzkrise auf Euroskeptizismus und nationales Wahlverhalten in Mittel- und Osteuropa