Dr. Lorenz Aglas

Prizes and Awards

2020WIRM annual congress scholarship (travel grant) 2020
20182018 ÖGAI PhD Price 2018 (Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology, Ursula und Fritz Melcher Dissertationspreis)
20182018 AK SCIENCE PRIZE 2018 of the Austrian chamber of labour (Salzburg) for PhD thesis
2018University of Salzburg, Department of Biosciences, Publication of the month, June
2018University of Salzburg, Young investigator award 2018, 4th place
2018EAACI annual congress scholarship (travel grant) 2018
2016EAACI annual congress scholarship (travel grant) 2016
2015ÖGAI (Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology) travel grant 2015
2015ÖFG (Austrian Research Funding) travel grant 2015

Prizes and Awards obtained within supervised projects

Lisa Pointner: University of Salzburg, Department of Biosciences, Publication of the month, August

Lisa Pointner: ISMA congress poster price “best poster” 2019, “TLR4 signalling mediates birch pollen-induced dendritic cell activation.”

Athanasios Bethanis: EAACI annual congress scholarship (travel grant) 2018, “Development of Bet v 1-specific DNA aptamers for quality control of birch pollen extracts.”