During / After Stay
Here you will find information on the following topics:
- Extension
- Cancellation/termination/shortening
- Confirmation of stay
- Recognition
All necessary Erasmus documents are provided under Documents/Links
Extension DURING the stay abroad
Currently, per academic year only one semester per student can be funded by Erasmus+ for study purpose. Extensions of a current stay (with or without Erasmus grant) can only be processed after timely consultation with the Department of International Relations and within regard to available resources.
If you feel compelled to withdraw from your Erasmus+ stay before it begins, or (if you are already abroad) to terminate your Erasmus+ stay early, please complete the appropriate steps in Mobility Online. Shortenings are also handled via Mobility Online.
In any case, please inform the International Relations Departmen of the PLUS via as well as your responsible departmental E+ coordinator and the responsible person at the host institution.
AFTER the Erasmus stay abroad
After the stay, the following documents must be submitted to the International Relations Office (in person or by mail) for the payment of the 2nd instalment of the E+ scholarship:
- Transcript of Records (issued by the host university)
- Confirmation of Residence (to be signed by the host university)
- Letter of Recognition from the PLUS
- Erasmus+ Participant report (EU Survey)
> Request will be sent automatically by EU CORPORATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM to the e-mail address provided in the application
Confirmation of stay
Before your return you have to get a confirmation of stay signed by the host university for the whole period of your Erasmus+ stay. You can find a template here on this website in the download section. You can also use a form provided by the host university.
Attention: The confirmation of stay must have been signed at the earliest 5 days before the end of your stay (according to the confirmation), otherwise it will not be accepted.
Current program generation (mobilities starting on or after 01.09.2021, except UK): After the end of the stay you have to send the original confirmation of stay to the International Office within four weeks (in person or by registered mail). The confirmation of stay can also be accepted by email if it is sent directly from the host university to the International Office. Only then will you receive the second, final installment of your Erasmus+ grant. If your stay was shorter than originally stated, this will be deducted from the last installment on a per-day basis.
If you do not submit the confirmation of stay, you will have to pay back the entire Erasmus+ grant!
Erasmus+ is a full-time study program, i.e. in principle you have to complete a total of 30 ECTS credits per semester. According to the Erasmus+ guidelines, for the funding a minimum of 3 ETCS per month of stay must be recognized at the home university (= University of Salzburg)!
The detailed conditions (e.g. repayment limit for the mobility grant) are part of the grant agreement; for more information see “Financial Support”.
For recognitions at PLUS, please follow the recognition guide here.
Alternatively, for Joint Master’s recognitions, the Learning Agreement Section C “Recognition AFTER Stay” can be used. This is available under “Downloads/Links”.
Deadlines for recognition:
- 2 months after return from abroad.
- Students whose stay ends in June or later: 15. November.
After successful recognition, hand in to
(1) the transcript of records from the host university
(2) official recognition from Rechtsabteilung at PLUS
(Not available yet: Upload two documents in Mobility Online, namely (1) the transcript of records from the host university and (2) official recognition from Rechtsabteilung at PLUS.)
If, due to the student’s fault, the recognition cannot be proven or cannot be proven to the required extent, all or part of the mobility grant may be reclaimed.
Recipients of study grants must also submit recognition documents to the Stipendienstelle. Please observe the internal deadlines and guidelines of the Stipendienstelle.
Please note that the payment of the 2nd installment of the Erasmus+ scholarship will (among others) only be made after the recognition notification and the confirmation of stay have been reviewed.
Data protection
Personal data are confidential and will be processed in accordance with the respective federal laws only to the extent necessary for your application and participation in the Erasmus+ program.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.