General Information:
- Overview Erasmus+ grants 2024/25_Call2023
- Overview Erasmus+ grants 2025/26
- General information for ERASMUS applicants
- Erasmus application: Checklist
For available Erasmus+ or Swiss cooperations at the respective department/centre: see Erasmus+/SEMP Place List HERE
What do you need for the Erasmus+ grant:
BEFORE stay:
- Erasmus+ Application from Salzburg abroad: Part 1 – Application form 2024/25_GERMAN version
- Erasmus+ Application from Salzburg abroad: Part 1 – Application form 2024/25_ENGLISH version
- Erasmus+ Application from Salzburg abroad: Part 2 – Learning Agreement, Section A
- For low emission means of transport/Green Travel additionally: Declaration on Honour Green Travel
- Proof of residency in Austria or nearby Germany (Meldezettel) not older than 3 months!
(For residence in Salzburg see City Council Salzburg; please mention that this is required for the university > lower fees)
ATTENTION: For a planned Erasmus mobility to your country of citizenship, a proof of residence in Austria is mandatory!
Also mandatory are flight distance of more than 200 kilometres between
a) Salzburg as the home university and the location of the partner university
b) home adress in country of citizenship and locatrion of the partner university (proof must be given) - PLUS Enrolment form/registration document (Inskriptionsbestätigung; via PLUSonline)
- Accompanying Guide/Guideline – How to use Learning Agreement for Studies
- Curriculum Committee Chairpersons at the University of Salzburg
- ECTS User’s Guide 2015
- ECTS Conversion Table
DURING stay abroad:
- Learning Agreement – Section B: Changes during the stay
> please send the last version of signed LA Section A (Before Mobility) along with the LA Section B (Changes During Mobility) to the chairman of study commission/person responsible for recognition at the departments
> despite changes: number total ECTS recognised at PLUS need to cover the agreed funding period for receiving the agreed scholarship amount
AFTER stay abroad:
- Confirmation of Stay
- Transcript of Records from the hosting institution
- Confirmation of recognition at PLUS (“Anerkennungsbescheid”)
> see: Recognition – Guide: How to get your recognition at PLUS done - Learning Agreement: Section C – Recognition after the stay
> for Double Degree students only and final theses: Learning Agreement: Section C – Recognition after the stay - Complete the Erasmus+ Participant report (EU Survey)
> Request will be sent automatically by EU CORPORATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM to the e-mail address provided in the application
for SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS concerning the recognition see:
Important Information:
- Data Protection Declaration
- ANNEX II General Conditions Grant Agreement/Payment Agreement
- Erasmus+ Student Charter
- PLUS Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung (ECHE) 2021-27
- PLUS Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) 2021-27
- PLUS Erasmus Policy Statement
Data protection
Personal data is confidential and will be processed in accordance with the relevant federal laws only to the extent necessary for your application and participation in the Erasmus+ programme.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.