In principle, media from the University Library can be borrowed.
Exceptions are the following media, which can only be used on site:
- Semester apparatus/hand-held apparatus
- Reading room collections
- Newspapers/unbound periodicals
- Loose-leaf collections
- Books published before 1850
- Holdings of the special collections
A library card is required for borrowing!
For members of the University:
- The student ID card is valid as library card.
- The service card for staff members is valid as library card.
Non-members of the University can apply for a library card.
To pick up media at the information desks or at the circulation desk of the main library, please take your Service Card for employees / ID card for students / library card for general users* with you. If you have forgotten your ID card, please show a photo ID for the identity check.Note for employees: If you do not have a Service Card for employees, please bring a photo ID for the identity check.
- Main Library Hofstallgasse (Stacks Library)
To place an order, it is necessary to log in with the staff account / student account / account for general library use.
Media units must be ordered via UBsearch before they can be taken home.
Please note pick-up location and opening hours. - Departmental libraries (open access libraries)
Media units can be searched via UBsearch UBsearch and can be taken from the shelf on the basis of the location information and signature on site and borrowed at the respective information desk. - Loan periods: 30 days for all media and for all user groups of the University Library
- Please return media to the location where they were borrowed.
- Media from the Sub-Library Schloss Rif can be returned to the Sub-Library Freisaal and to the Main Library Hofstallgasse.
- Outside opening hours, book drops are available at at the following locations:
- Main Library Hofstallgasse
- Rudolfskai
- Freisaal
- Toskanatrakt and Firmian-Salm-Haus
- Wallistrakt Philosophy KTH & GW (common book return box)
- Alte Residenz (common book return box in front of “Ancient History”)
Please pay attention to the opening hours of the buildings where the book return boxes are located.
Return by mail
For return of borrowed works by mail please useplease use the following address only:
Salzburg University Library
Main Library
Hofstallgasse 2-4
5020 Salzburg
Please make sure that the shipment is sufficiently franked (if applicable, postage costs will be charged to your user account). The liability in case of damage or loss lies with you.
Book loss
If you have lost a book, please contact the respective library immediately by mail.
The contact information can be found under Kontakt & Standorte.
Stand: 09.05.2022