Katrin Schaipp

Fachbereich FB Anglistik & Amerikanistik
Hauptbetreuerin Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska
Nebenbetreuer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roehm
Beginn SS19
Thema der Dissertation Assessment of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ competences to teach in multilingual classrooms: diagnostic competences for and decision-making processes in choosing tasks


In an era of borderless communication and transcultural exchange English is the most important lingua franca in the world. The result is a society of multilingual and multicultural learners. Our traditional educational institutions are not prepared to integrate this development.  Thus, the teaching methods need to be adapted: How do EFL teachers contribute to the implementation of multilingualism in multilingual classrooms (MC) with linguistically and culturally heterogenous pupils? Hence, it is necessary to evaluate EFL teachers’ preparedness to work with multilinguals. For an assessment the teachers’ diagnostic competences and decision-making processes in MC should be explored: How competent are teachers when planning their lessons for the MC? What factors influence teachers’ decisions in MC? The project aims to describe a number of relevant competences for the MC and tries to identify gaps between content-related linguistic knowledge and actual practices in the MC.


seit Februar 2019: Lehrerin für Englisch und Spanisch am Gymnasium
2017 bis 2019: Referendariat an verschiedenen Gymnasien Bayerns und Abschluss des 2. Staatsexamens 
2016: Abschluss des Lehramtsstudiums mit dem 1. Staatsexamen
2011 bis 2016: Lehramtsstudium fürs Gymnasium (Englisch/Spanisch) an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München