Theresa Klinglmayr

Department Communication Science
PhD Supervisor Assoz. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Thomas Herdin
PhD Co-Supervisor

Start March 2020
Topic/Title Soziokulturelle Resilienz in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Analyse von Schlüsselkonzepten für erfolgreiche Kommunikatoin anhand des österreichischen Integrationsdiskurses  (working title)


In today’s multicultural societies, successful communication is becoming increasingly important in order to promote respectful and caring coexistence of culturally diverse individuals. For this purpose, socio-cultural resilience resulting from interculturally competent thinking and acting needs to be developed at various levels of society. This project identifies three key concepts considered as crucial for this: cultural expertise in the sense of intercultural competence and creativity, resonance as a specific world relationship and empowerment as a strategy to encourage agency and capability of individuals. Drawing on interdisciplinary theoretical approaches, the project focuses on the specific ways in which these concepts can contribute to the improvement of communication in culturally diverse settings. In methodical terms, interviews with actors actively participating in the Austrian integration discourse, complemented by ethnographical observation and visual analysis, provide deeper insight in meaning constructions and related practices regarding socio-cultural resilience.   


 Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
Theresa Klinglmayr obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degree (2018) in Communication Science at the University of Salzburg. Since March 2020 she has been working as a PhD student in the Department of Transcultural Communication headed by Assoz. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Thomas Herdin. Her research interests are intercultural communication and resilience as well as discourses on culture in immigration societies.