Mühlberger Christina

10/2012-07/2016PhD Student DK+ “Imaging the Mind”; lab of Eva Jonas, University of Salzburg, Austria
03/2010-07/2016PhD Student, lab of Eva Jonas, University of Salzburg, Austria
2004-2009 Diploma Study of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Austria
1996-2004 High School, Bundesgymnasium Zaunergasse, Salzburg, Austria
Work Experience/Internships
Since 03/2017Postdoc, Department of Social Psychology
10/2016-02/2017Postdoc, FWF-Project „From anxiety to approach“ (Prof. Eva Jonas)
10/2014-01/2015Research stay at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Prof. Eddie Harmon-Jones)
10/2012-09/2016Research assistant at the lab of Eva Jonas, University of Salzburg, Austria
10/2009-08/2011University of Salzburg (Advisor for students of the major “Unterrichtsfach PP”, Secretary Social Psychology)
03/2009-06/2009Internship at the University of Salzburg, Department of Social Psychology
07/2008 and 09/2008Internship at the Psychiatry, Christian Doppler Klinik, Salzburg
Grants and Scholarships
2014Grant “International Communication“ of the “Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft” (ÖFG) for a research stay at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2014Scholarship for short scientific works abroad of the University of Salzburg for a research stay at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2011Scholarship “Marie Andeßner” for a PhD Thesis at the University of Salzburg
2010Scholarship “Leistungsstipendium“ of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Salzburg
2010Grant “Förderungsstipendium“ of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Salzburg
Volunteer Work
06/2015-06/2017Student Representative of the doctoral studies of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Salzburg („Studienvertretung Doktorat der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Salzburg”)
Since 11/2013Representative of the Youth scientists of the University of Salzburg in the Austrian Psychological Association (ÖGP)
Since 12/2010Member of the board of the Salzburg Psychological Association (SGP), Secretary
Additional Qualifications/Other Activities
08/2016-06/2017Zertifikat Lehrgang ZRM®-Trainer (Institut für Selbstmanagement und Motivation Zürich)
2016-2017 „Hochschuldidaktik-Lehrgang” at the University of Salzburg
2015-2016Mentor in the project „Lernen macht Schule“ (Dr. Verena Schaber; ifz Salzburg und Caritas Salzburg)
Since 07/2014 Career coach in cooperation with the Career Center of the University of Salzburg
2013-2014 Co-Trainer in the seminar „Coaching: Peerbezogene hochschuldidaktische Begleitung“ within the „Hochschuldidaktik – Erweiterungslehrgang (HSD+)“ at the University of Salzburg
2010-2012 Co-Trainer in the Master’s Seminars „Coaching Part I“ and „Coaching Part II” at the University of Salzburg
03/2012-04/2012Organization of and participation in the project Night of research (Lange Nacht der Forschung)
10/2011Teaching the seminar Social Psychology for caregivers of the toddlers’ group “Krabbelgruppe Regenbogen” in Salzburg
2010-2011Training as a career-coach (certificated)
05/2011Teaching the seminar Psychology within the course Studium Generale at the Volkshochschule Salzburg
11/2009Participation in the project UNI:hautnah (title: Social thinking, social influence and social interactions: From clients’ complaints to innovations in the company structure)
Teaching Experience
Bachelor Level:
Empirical seminar Social Psychology (winter 2011/12, summer 2012, summer 2013, winter 2013/14, summer 2013)
Bachelor seminar Writing the bachelor´s thesis (Social Psychology; Industrial Psychology) (summer 2011 and summer 2013)
Lecture with Exercises Social Psychology (winter 2010/11)
Lecture with Exercises Social Psychology for PP students (winter 2010/11, summer 2012)
Social Psychology Seminar for bachelor students (summer 2010)
Master Level:
Elementary course Social Interaction (Face-to-face Interaction and Moderation) (winter 2011/12)
Empirical seminar Upper level research seminar (Social Psychology) (summer 2011, winter 2012/13)
Empirical seminar Upper level research seminar (Organizational Psychology) (summer 2015)
Practical seminar Upper level applied seminar (Social Psychology) (winter 2011/12, summer 2013, summer 2015)
Practical seminar Upper level applied seminar (Organizational Psychology) (summer 2011, winter 2015/16)
Seminar Coaching (Co-Trainer) (winter 2010-winter 2012)